Pools, Spas and Fountains Leak Detection

​​Pools, Spas and Fountains Leak Detection

Pools and Spas are great for relaxing and having fun in your home, relaxing in the water with your friends and family is a great way to pass the time. Keeping them maintained can be quite an involved task, pools and spas need constant water checks and cleaning to make sure they are safe to use, but if you have a slow leak you could be wasting huge amounts of money without even knowing it. A small leak can go completely unnoticed but the results may not, pools can lose a lot of water over time from just a small leak, letting it go unfixed can become quite expensive.
A leak in a pool, spa or water feature can be surprisingly difficult to find, any 
water leaking underneath any of these can go relatively unnoticed since they aren't areas that often get checked. We have high tech instruments that are able to detect even the smallest leak and can help you pinpoint the issue and have it quickly repaired. Our technician well sit up his tools against the surface of the pool, spa or fountain and his instruments will start to narrow down the leak until it is found, so the leak can quickly be repaired, saving you money and potentially a larger leak developing.
There are so many different variations of styles, shapes, and materials when it comes to spas, pools and water fountains. Each one can react differently with our leak detection equipment but we can adjust them accordingly to work with any material so that we can quickly narrow down the source of the leak regardless of what the feature is made of. Our leak detection systems are non-invasive so they have no effect on the surfaces whatsoever, so it's totally safe to use our service on any pool, spa or water feature, regardless of what material they're made of.
When you suspect there's a leak below your pools water line, the traditional method is to start digging and hope that you find the leak without having to dig right around the pool. This method is extremely invasive and risks you accidentally causing more damage to your pool from a hit with a stray shovel. Using our leak detection systems we can inspect your whole pool quickly and narrow down the leak without having to physically do anything to it. Our service is quick, cost-effective and most importantly, accurate. So if you're suspecting there's a leak in your pool, spa or fountain, give us a call.
It can be hard to notice the side effects of a leak, if your spa, pool or water fountain is hooked up to your water system it can top itself up automatically without you noticing anything is wrong with it. Unless you pay careful attention to your water bill it may go unnoticed and by the time you've worked out, there's something wrong you could have already wasted precious money on lost water. Organizing regular inspections is a great way to ensure you aren't suffering from any leaks in your home. Our technicians can quickly come and check over everything with their instruments at a much lower cost than the repair would be for a leak that's grown over time.

Contact Us

​If you've started to notice a strange smell, or maybe your pool is needing refilling more than usual, you may be suffering from a water leak somewhere in your home. Our experienced customer service team can work with you to discuss the possibilities and explain how our service works so we can help you in discovering any leaks that can be affecting your home.

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